30 Things I’ve Learned in 30 Years

Last week I turned 30! With this milestone birthday I wanted to share 30 things I’ve learned that have had a huge impact on my life up to this point. The grammar is imperfect and there is no rhyme or reason to their order. But I wanted to mark this moment in my life, to recognize and celebrate many of the things I’ve learned. Because let’s face it, some of these lessons didn’t come easy. I hope maybe a few will resonate with you!

  1. Worrying too little is always better than worrying too much. Even if something bad does end up happening, at least you got to enjoy your life in the meantime. Worrying is rarely constructive.

  2. Embrace who you are. Your unique blend of likes and dislikes and personality is your greatest asset.

  3. You don’t HAVE to be anything. Believing in your ability to mold your own life, no matter how small each shift can feel, is the key to empowerment.

  4. No one knows all the steps to making something happen. But you probably know one step. So do that.

  5. Speak kindly about others, both to their face and not to their face.

  6. Nothing ever stays the same, both good and bad. So be mindful of your current experience because the bad will shift but so will the good.

  7. Your environment is everything. What you’re exposed to is what influences your thoughts and actions. So where you have a choice, be very intentional about spending most of your time and energy with what deeply aligns with your values.

  8. Nothing replaces family (or friends that are like family).

  9. Being a successful mom is about love, not about knowing all the answers.

  10. The goal should not be to get rid of fear but instead to coexist with it.

  11. Reading feels good. Time spent with family and friends feels good. Scrolling doesn’t.

  12. Not all tv and books are created equal. Try to spend your time with the good ones.

  13. Creativity is universal. We all have it, it’s just a matter of choosing whether you will take the time to develop it in yourself.

  14. Without a plan, there’s nothing to be distracted from. Make a plan so you know what you’d like to be doing and then monitor how you can improve. Otherwise you’ll feel scattered and distracted and never seem to make progress towards what really matters to you.

  15. Constraints increase creativity not limit it. If you see roadblocks, problem solve within them, and make them work for you. The result will be so much better than if you didn’t have anything to work around.

  16. Not enough time is a better problem to have than too much time. Embrace the scarcity of time, it’s what makes things happen.

  17. Nobody is thinking about you for more than 5 minutes. So just live your life.

  18. When you put something out into the world, you can’t worry about who’s listening, just say and do your part. That’s your only job.

  19. Find something that grounds you and helps you zoom out and find a bigger perspective (whether that’s religion or something else). You’re going to need it.

  20. If you don’t feel right, go outside. Go outside everyday. It’s like a reset button for the mind and body.

  21. Your mind is your greatest tool in your health and wellness. Every circumstance can be changed with the mind (not in what it is but in how you perceive it).

  22. Patience isn’t just enduring but finding joy inside the hard stuff. Bad stuff happens. That’s a universal truth. And yet life can still be good.

  23. If you’re not getting enough sleep, you’re not going to have a good life.

  24. Going to bed angry is a great idea. Because by the time you wake up there’s a 99% chance you forgot what you were angry about.

  25. Talent is a myth. You either choose to make it happen or you don’t.

  26. Energy is actually a much more finite resource than time. So learn to manage your energy and your priorities, then time management will be much less of a problem.

  27. There is only so much energy to give. Different seasons require different allocations of time and energy. Accept that and you will worry and stress a lot less.

  28. Doing something everyday is easier than doing something every so often. Make the stuff that matters to you a part of your daily life.

  29. Decide the type of person you want to be and then make your decisions based on that vision. That’s how you become what you want to be.

  30. Every job has good and bad. So just choose one that you care about and don’t be surprised when most days still feel pretty boring and kind of annoying. Ultimately you’re doing something that matters to you and that makes it worth it in the long run.

Whitney Rainsdon